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How to Use Visit Types: New and Returning Patients
How to Use Visit Types: New and Returning Patients
Updated over a week ago

Visit Type allows you to apply different Learned Format preferences based on the type of visit you conducted. You have one set of Learned Formats for New Patients and one set of Learned Formats for Returning Patients.

Visit Type Options:

  1. New Patient

  2. Returning Patient

Your personalized "Learned Format" will also be specific to each section within each Visit Type. For instance, modifying the format in the Subjective section for New Patients will not affect the format for the Subjective section in Returning Patients. Similarly, adjusting the format in the Subjective section for New Patients will not impact the format for the Objective section in New Patients.

Changing the visit type and regenerating the note, if necessary, should be the first step when editing any newly processed SOAP note.

Step 1) Capture a Freed Visit

Capture a visit as you typically would and then allow Freed to process the new SOAP note.

Step 2) Freed will attempt to classify the Visit Type

Freed will use the visit transcript and attempt to classify the note as a New Patient or Returning Patient.

Step 3) Manually change the Visit Type and Regenerate, if necessary

If Freed classified the Visit Type incorrectly, you can manually change it. You can also choose to regenerate the note based on this updated Visit Type after changing it.

This will then regenerate the note to include any formatting preferences based on your Learned Format for that Visit Type. Please note that choosing "Regenerate" will completely reset the note, undoing any manual edits you have made to the individual note thus far.

Important: Ensure the correct Visit Type is selected before clicking Learn Format to ensure that your formatting preferences are applied to future notes of that type.

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